1. Hey darren any news on podolski? i really want him to leave that team isnt good enough for him would prefer him going to dortmund but premier league would suit him to

  2. Is Arsenal going to buy anyone in this transfer window?? Wenger is leaving it to late again!!!

  3. is it ture arsene wenger asked the arsenal boad for 25 million punds for eden hazard

  4. Hi Darren love the show who do you think attacking wise Liverpool will bring in this window

  5. I would like to know a bit more about PSG I see they are interested in strikers but with all that money are they going for anyone else?

  6. Hope Arsenal are still in the race for Eden Hazard as he seems as if he wants a move to the the Premier League this January…

  7. Darren could you start a competition in which the winner gets the oppurtunity to talk to Mr.Arsene Wenger

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